Meet Kathy
Artist Biography
Kathy Beekman, a master finger painter whose soft pastel artwork emerges from the West and Midwest countrysides, lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where her home and studio are perched at 8,600 feet. “The vastness of the natural landscape here inspires my work. My paintings reflect how I think and feel about my environment.”
She grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a small city surrounded by farming communities that continue to inspire her subject matter: the barns, clouds, open spaces and streams that conjure up idealized versions of the landscapes she experienced as a child. Her style has developed to include mountains and vast landscapes inspired, again, from where she now lives and the places she visits. Her style has a simplified graphic quality with a quiet reflective mood characteristic of all of Beekman’s paintings.
Her passion for the arts extends beyond her canvas. She is a highly sought-after art career coach for artists who want to “rise above the rest,” an instructor in pastel painting to adults, and owner/designer of Beekman Press, a greeting card company that carries two lines. She has authored two books. The first book, Prosper: A Success Book for Artists, is packed with tips and real-life experiences offering crucial advice on how to reach personal artistic goals. Her second book, Motivational Quotes: A Reflection Book for Artists, is an exceptional collection of inspirational quotes, along with easy to remember tips and self-reflection questions to motivate artists forward in their creative lives.
A highly collected artist, Beekman has seen representation in New York, Michigan, Indiana, throughout Colorado and in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Artist Statement
Painting is my way of exploring my surroundings. It is my key to the secret garden, my way down the rabbit hole, my looking glass. By closely examining architecture, noting the way a cloud casts a shadow, or discerning the color of a mountain in the distance, I better understand the world in which I live.
Coloring books and doodles started me on my artistic path. From the beginning, transforming a piece of paper to reflect my thoughts and feelings has struck me as magical. I love the sense of fulfillment that I get from successfully conveying my emotions onto paper. This is how I best communicate.
Self-taught in the medium of soft pastels, no tools other than my fingers are used. Though I work quite deliberately, my unconscious is truly calling the shots. It steers my compositions, my color choices and their placement, and tells me when a painting is finished. Creating comes intuitively rather than intellectually.
Born: Evanston, Illinois, 1971
Kathy Beekman has been painting predominately in pastel since the year 2000 after an inspirational trip to Mexico. A fine art graduate of Siena Heights University, Michigan, Kathy now finds herself instructing adults in the fine art of pastel painting. Now an active Colorado artist, Kathy is a member of the Art Student’s League of Denver and Past President of the board of directors for the Center for the Arts Evergreen. She has been featured in the nationally acclaimed Southwest Art Magazine as well as LUXE magazine and has authored the books Prosper: A Success Book for Artists and Motivational Quotes: A Reflection Book for Artists. She is always looking forward to delivering new paintings to her galleries.
Current and Selected Past Representation
2023-Present The Schoonover Gallery, Steamboat Springs, CO
2021-Present The Evergreen Gallery, Evergreen, CO
2019-Present Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
2018-2021 Marigold Arts, Fine Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2017-2020 Hoff Miller, Interior Design Show Room, Denver, CO
2002-2019 Squash Blossom Gallery, Fine Art Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
2006-2018 Canyon Road Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2005-2006 Blair Carnahan Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Recent Invitational Exhibitions
The Holiday Market, Thrive Creative Community, Denver, CO
Red Carpet Event, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
Rise, Bitfactory Gallery, Denver, CO
5th Annual Invitational – No Show, Bitfactory Gallery, Denver, CO
Uglies Sculpture Exhibit, Guest Artist, River Canyon Gallery, Bailey, CO
Open Spaces Exhibit, Bitfactory Gallery, Denver, CO
Cowgirl Up! Art from the Other Half of the West, Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Wickenburg, AZ
Recent Solo exhibitions
Featured Artist, Schoonover Gallery, Steamboat Springs, CO
Artwalk Featured Artist, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
Artwalk Featured Artist, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
New Works, Marigold Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Artwalk Featured Artist, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
Essence of Place, Marigold Arts Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Quiet Places, Parker Adventist Hospital, Healing Gallery, Parker, CO
Recent GRoup exhibitions
Red Essential, Limitless Potential, Framed Image, Denver, CO
Miniature Show, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
Still Life and Life Still, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Colorado Springs, CO
There is No Business Like Snow Business, Framed Image, Denver, CO
Trees, Hunter-Wolff GAllery, Colorado Springs, CO
Shape of Landscape, with Katharine McKenna, Richey Gallery, Lakewood Cultural Center, Lakewood, CO
Appealing to the Heart, with Lorri Acott and Adam Schultz, Canyon Road Contemporary Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Evolving, Dumbarton Oaks Fellowhship House, Harvard Affiliation, Washington, DC
Selected Collections
TransMontaigne, Colorado
Brookside Nursing Center, Castlerock, Colorado
InnovAge, Pennypack Senior Care Facility, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Municipal Museum of Tala, Jalisco, Mexico
Josh Brolin, Hollywood Actor
First National Bank of Colorado, Colorado
Perkins Coi Law Firm, Colorado
Siena Heights University, Michigan
Casa Cuma B&B, Santa Fe, NM
CoBank, Colorado
Robert Morris, Indiana State Representative
Private Collectors, throughout the United States, Mexico,
Caribbean and Europe
recent teaching and mentorship
2018-Present Instructor with Art Makers Denver, A Three-Day Urban Art Retreat, Denver, CO
2006-Present Art Career Coach, Virtual and In-Person meetings across the United States
2006-Present Private Pastel Painting Instructor
1993, Siena Heights University graduated Cum Laude and with a BFA. Concentrations in drawing, ceramics and photography.
recent publications about and by the artist
May 14, 2021, Shoutout Colorado emagazine, section “Local Stories”, heading “Meet Kathy Beekman |
Professional Artist, Art Career Coach, Author & Greeting Card Designer”, article and images, Read
more https://shoutoutcolorado.com/about-shoutout-colorado/
May 14, 2021, Shoutout Colorado emagazine, section “Unique Perspectives, heading “Insider Insights:
what they know and we don’t”, article and image,
Read more https://shoutoutcolorado.com/insider-insights-what-they-know-and-we-dont-6/
July 2020, SALT magazine online, section “Art, Trending”, heading “Bitfactory Gallery is Back;
Art Exhibits in the Era of COVID19”, by Ezra Lloyd | “Open Spaces Art Exhibit, Kathy Beekman,
one of five featured artists”, article and images, Read more
2020, Migrations in Late Mesoamerica, book, book cover illustration by Kathy Beekman
2020, The Evolution of Social Institutions, Interdisciplinary Perspectives, book, illustrations pages 530-532
2019, Motivational Quotes: A Reflection Book for Artists, book, authored by Kathy Beekman
2019, Be a Changemaker: Realize Your Power as an Artist, workbook, designed and authored by Kathy Beekman

selected Videos About the Artist and/or Her Artwork
Beekman Fine Art & Design: Created by Sandy Puc Video Team, about the artist and her artwork, 3:30 minutes
ArtCoaching for You with Kathy Beekman: Created by Sandy Puc Video Team, testimonials and interview, 2:17 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ahuK1xZo4uY
Kathy Beekman Fine Art &Design – Client Testimonial: Created by Sandy Puc Video Team, testimonial by art collector, 1:18 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Als4wuC788Y
Tourism Santa Fe: Canyon Road Spring Arts Festival, 2 images
Love in the Time of Dots: WalkingDots printing company, image
Selected Speaking Engagements
"Finding Your Artistic Voice", Program Speaker, Anythink Library, Brighton, CO
"Learn to Speak Like A Pro", Program Speaker, Boulder County Art Alliance, Boulder, CO
"Really Easy Bookkeeping for Artists", Program Speaker, Art Marketing Projec, Boulder, CO
"How to Succeed at Art Festivals without Losing Your Mind", Program Speaker, Boulder County Art Alliance, Boulder, CO
"Turn Your Passion into a Financially Sustainable Full-Time Career, Panel Discussion, Anythink Library, Thornton, CO
“Approaching Galleries with Confidence”, Program Speaker, Masterclass, Art Marketing Project, Boulder, CO
“Make a New Year’s Art Resolution: Set Artistic Goals and Reach Succes”, Program Speaker, Boulder County Art Alliance, Boulder, CO
“Self-Promotion is NOT a Dirty Word: 7 Ways to Effectively Market Yourself”, Speaker, Master of Ceremonies and Organizer of Panel Discussion, Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Wickenburg, AZ
“Sell Your Art”, program speaker for the Evergreen Artists Association, Main Street Gallery, Evergreen, CO
“Breaking Boundaries: The Business of Art”, panel discussant, Center for the Arts Evergreen, Evergreen, CO
“The Business of Art: Navigating the New Landscape”, Center for the Arts Evergreen, Evergreen, CO
“Marketing, Working Outside the Box”, round table discussant, Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Wickenburg, AZ
“Prosper, A Success Book for Artists”, book reading and discussion, Alliance Artists of Evergreen, Genessee, CO
“How to Approach an Art Gallery”, webinar, Metro State University Denver, CO
“Working with an Art Gallery”, webinar, Metro State University Denver, CO
“Turn Your Business into a Work of Art”, panel discussant for the Denver Art Student’s League’s Business of Art Fair, Denver, CO